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Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

Advancing Leadership into a Digital World

The official online presence of one of the most powerful people in the United States should be "special". With Democratic Leaders Nancy Pelosi's new brand and website, we aimed to create something that looks and functions like it has always existed, but is also unmistakably new and cutting-edge. The end product sets a bold new standard for official government websites.

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Threading the needle between political conservatism and cutting-edge creativity is not an easy task. But Wide Eye had an inherent understanding of the needs of a political office and created a creative, forward-looking, and engaging website that presents the best qualities of modern design while maintaining the integrity of our brand. To understand the broad idea of what you need and then create a product that’s better than you can imagine – that’s the genius of Wide Eye.

Tanya Somanader New Media Director/Speechwriter, Office of the Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi